I think you've been seeing ideas like this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# do something if this script is invoked
# as python scriptname. Otherwise, gets ignored.
What happens is when you call python on a script, that file has an attribute __name__
set to "__main__"
if it is the file being directly called by the python executable. Otherwise, (if it is not directly called) it is imported.
Now, you can use this trick on your scripts if you need to, for example, assuming you have:
def somescriptfunc():
# does something
if __name__ == "__main__":
# do something if this script is invoked
# as python scriptname. Otherwise, gets ignored.
import cProfile
This changes your script. When imported, its member functions, classes etc can be used as normal. When run from the command-line, it profiles itself.
Is this what you're looking for?
From the comments I've gathered more is perhaps needed, so here goes:
If you're running a script from CGI changes are it is of the form:
# do some stuff to extract the parameters
# do something with the parameters
# return the response.
When I say abstract out, you can do this:
def do_something_with_parameters(param1, param2):
if __name__ = "__main__":
import cProfile
Put that file on your python path. When run itself, it will profile the function you want profiling.
Now, for your CGI script, create a script that does:
import {insert name of script from above here}
# do something to determine parameter values
# do something with them *via the function*:
do_something_with_parameters(param1=..., param2=...)
# return something
So your cgi script just becomes a little wrapper for your function (which it is anyway) and your function is now self-testing.
You can then profile the function using made up values on your desktop, away from the production server.
There are probably neater ways to achieve this, but it would work.