I am looking on how to get the object (or object type) that another object is created in. For example:
public class RootClass
public class A
public void MethodFromA()
public class B
public A A_object = new A();
public void MethodFromB() { }
B BObject = new B();
A rootAObject = new A();
public void DoMethod(A anA_object)
/* Somehow through reflection
* get the instance of BObject
* of type B from only the info
* given in anA_object or at
* the very least just know that
* anA_object was created in
* class B and not root. */
/* Same as above except know that
* this A object came from root
* and is not from B class */
Additional Information: This was just a quick code to simulate part of a large project I have. The problem is I have a custom class that is instantiated many many places in various other classes. This custom class has a function that should be able to call any function in it or any function in the class that instantiated it. Very generic processing, but needed. Basically I need the inverse of ".". So with objectA.objectB, I need to find objectA only from passing in objectB to some function.