



AutoSuggest jQuery Plugin requires an already available Data Object in order to run. I need to use the user's selection from the first input as data in the second input.

The following snippet throws an error in firebug

availableTeachers is not defined

var labs = {lesson:
                        name: "FOO LESSON",
                        professors: [
                            { lab: "FOO TEACHER [Monday 3 pm]" },
                            { lab: "FOO TEACHER [Thursday 7 pm]" }
                        name: "FOO LESSON",
                        professors: [
                            { lab: "FOO TEACHER [Tuesday 10 am]" }

firstStep.find("form input[type=text]").autoSuggest(labs.lesson, {
    selectedItemProp: "name",
    searchObjProps: "name",
    selectionLimit: 1,
    resultClick: function(data){
        availableTeachers = data.attributes;

secondStep.find("form input[type=text]").autoSuggest(availableTeachers.professors, {
    selectedItemProp: "lab",
    searchObjProps: "lab",
    selectionLimit: 1,


More testing, i predifined availableTeachers with some dummy data and i populate it with real data after the user selects a in the first input.

Second input keeps seeing only the dummy data

So far, it seems that autoSuggest plugin can only use static Data Objects or JSON requests.


Where is availableTeachers defined? You should have some place where the variable is created. It is not enough to only assign it a value inside the lambda function, since the scope of that variable is local, unless it's created in the global scope.

It is created in the global scope because i didn't put "var" before the variable's name.
Do you understand what i am trying to say?