



Hello i'm new to this forum but i've been a occasional vbox user. I had windows 7 host and ubuntu 9.10 guest which works fine with vboxadditions installed, share folder and everything perfect. Now for some simulations i needed to have the ubuntu server 10.04 intall with x-window. what i did and so far so good.

now the problem i'm having now is that for the server i seem not to be able to mount a share folder.following the same process :

-install dkms
-mount the vboxadditions iso in the host virtual drive and have it mounted in the guest as well
-install vboxadditions (sudo sh ./
-restart the guest os
- created ubuntu_share folder under /media/ubuntu_share

any time i'm trying to mount the folder ubuntu_share on my drive D (D:/Ubuntu_Share) with this command :

 mount -t vboxsf ubuntu_share /media/ubuntu_share

i always get :

/sbin/mount.vboxsf mouning failed with error: no such device

locate mount.vboxsf output this:

is there any problem with ubuntu server 10.04? or i'm just missing the mark somewhere? thanks for reading this and helping me out.


the folder and the shared folder cant have the same name

i think i got this done with same name for folder and shared folder on ubuntu 9.10 desktop
black sensei
+1  A: 

i've found out that the kernel version and the kernel headers version were different.I got latest kernel and kernel headers from synapic and rebuilt the Guest fine.thanks for at least reading :D

black sensei
thank you. I used this same answer to solve the same error message I started getting after updating the Ubuntu guest OS kernel (via auto-update). A simple matter of re-running "sudo ./".
James A Wilson
oh i'm glad this helped someone! ;)
black sensei