Hi, I have just started Entity Framework & linq and write this query
var query = from rp in db.UM_RolePermission
where (from ru in db.UM_RoleUser where ru.UM_User.UserID == userId select ru.RoleID).Contains(rp.RoleId)
select rp;
above is working fine and fullfill my need, however I am trying to write this same using lambda expression to understand that as well.
I have tried himself and write this but not able to complete
var query1 = db.UM_RolePermission.Where(rp => (from ru in db.UM_RoleUser where ru.UM_User.UserID == userId select ru.RoleID).Contains(rp.RoleId));
Can anyone complete this?
RelationShip: UM_RoleUser and UM_User