I would like to send updates to a remote endpoint over http. I have found that joseki serves as such an endpoint.
However, how do i send update queries to this endpoint, if I only know the uri of the endpoint?
// To do a select-query you can use this:
QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(serviceURI, query);
// (Sidenote:) does the next line have the desired effect of setting the binding?
// After all, sparqlService has no alternative with initialBindang as parameter
result = qe.execSelect();
// But updates do not support this kind of sparqlService method
// Illegal:
// UpdateAction.sparqlServiceExecute(serviceURI, query);
// I can use the following:
UpdateAction.parseExecute(updateQuery, dataset, initialBinding);
// But dataset is a Dataset object, not the uri.
// I don't believe this is the correct way to overcome this:
Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.create(serviceURI);
From the API documents I dont understand what DatasetFactory.create(String uri) does. Can anyone elaborate, and tell me if this is the method I need?
Otherwise I would like to hear how to do remote update queries to endpoints for which only the URI is known.