




I can and will buy 2 domain for a great website (as all the site is)

mydomain.ca and mydomain.com

q1 : What is the best thing to do after it have been buy... .htaccess redirect the .ca to the .com make the .ca a exact duplicate of the .com put some content on the .ca and some on the .com if i have a forum, but the .net too...

WHAT would you do, what i am missing ?

q2 : If i am using subdomain like forum.mydomain.com it's it good or bad for ranking ?

  • The content will be EXACTLY the same... i just like to be able to rank higher on google.ca and be there on google.com... for people lookin for me in .ca i hope to be on the first page, for people looking for me from the world, hope to be in the first 25 hit

The Google Webmaster Tools site is the best place to go for information. They address duplicate content here: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=66359

If you want multiple domains going to identical content you should use a "301 Moved Permanently" redirect. That will prevent the page rank from incoming links from being split between the domains.

If you have country-specific content, use separate top level domains.
