



There are many tables nested inside as it showd in the following three images. Please give an idea so that I can see the circled images fully in the third image..

ps: if you want any html code of o a part, I can share it here on request..

Now *1* alt text

2 alt text

The Desired Html Page: alt text

The Final Scene: alt text

+1  A: 

Having trouble understanding your question... if you're looking to enlarge a table, it might be as simple as setting the width. However, you'll get more of what I think you're looking for if you're usings divs and/or floats instead of tables... tables tend to make your layout very rigid and un-fluid.

If you're looking to move content to different areas on the page after the expand, this can be done in javascript by manipulating the DOM... I can't be more specific without understanding what you're trying to do.

Can you post a picture of what you want it to look like afterwards? The circles and arrows aren't giving me a clear understanding.

James B
@James B, I have added the desired picture...
If you are using tables for each section, try explicitly setting the table cell widths to however wide you need them to be, and set the final cell width to 100% (I'm assuming you have a cell each for the labels, controls, the text in the middle, and the final set of labels/controls). You'll have to set the width of each control to 100%, as well.Using DIVs would make your layout more fluid and dynamic, but would involve a learning curve if you're not used to using them. If you have the time, I recommend looking into them (I can point you to more info if you want)
James B