




I am working to integrate OpenSSO in my application.

  1. OpenAM server installed in one of the Tomcat

  2. A J2EE policy agent installed in another Tomcat protects a sample web application via OpenSSO authentication.

  3. I have created a Test User with OpenAM administration page and able to access the sample web application after successful authentication @ OpenAM Server.

  4. I am using the below piece of code to query the User attributes from the sample application (JSP file)

// get SSO Token Id from Cookies String tokenValue = cookie.getValue();

SSOTokenManager ssom = SSOTokenManager.getInstance(); SSOToken token = ssom.createSSOToken(tokenValue);

AMIdentity amid = new AMIdentity(token); Map nameValues = amid.getAttributes();

Since authentication happens with a RMI based middle ware, i need to send SSO Token ID to the middle ware and it should take care of user's attribute retrieval.


Is it possible to execute the same piece of code as a individual java program..?

When I try to execute it requires lot of OpenAM configuration files (resource bundles) & binaries. At the end it throws Operation Not Supported JAXRPC Exception.

Any suggestions/comments are highly appreciated.

Thanks. ilan