I have a Silverlight Application, that uploads file(s) to a Sharepoint Site. I got it working for a Sharepoint site in my box and in a Sharepoint site in someone else's box, where I login using my Windows account to that site. But I am not able to upload files into Sharepoint sites which are in a different domain / use a different login.
For uploading files into sites which do not use my account. I use this to get the credentials and to change the endpoints
CopySoapClient copy = new CopySoapClient();
copy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = obj.UserName;
copy.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = obj.Password;
copy.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(newMaster.Url + "/_vti_bin/Copy.asmx");
copy.Endpoint.Contract.Name = "CopyReference.CopySoap";
copy.Endpoint.Binding.Name = "basicHttpBinding";
copy.Endpoint.Contract.ConfigurationName = "CopySoap";
where obj.UserName has the DomainName too.. For eg. Domain\UserName.