



I have 9 boxes (div) on a page. I am able to move them to different positions, in a grid like fashion.

So the basic sortable functionality is fine =)

But I have a couple of questions:

What if my boxes vary in width? Which they can do, if one changes the width (1/3, 2/3 and 3/3). Can I still have one 2/3 box and a 1/3 box on the same row but different column? What about the placeholder highlight?

Why can't I move a box to an empty "ul"? I can't see the placeholder nor move a box to an empty column? This should work?

I also want my boxes to "ease" to a high-lighted placeholder when moving the box. Right now they just snap to the placeholder.

My current code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
+1  A: 

There are a couple of problems I see in your script. You are creating a sortable 3 times. Just put all the options in 1 line of code.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(function() { 
        $("ul.connectedSortable").sortable({handle:'.kpiValueContainer', connectWith:'trysomethingelse', placeholder:'ui-state-highlight', revert: true});

Second problem I see is your connectWith property. It's too broad and will also apply to your own ul.connectedSortable. I would rather use something more specific like an id or a class.

For the easing stuff take a look at the revert option.

Thank you!What about having boxes in different sizes?
Erik Lydecker
You can have boxes in different sizes. It's all CSS. The placeholder is more difficult to solve. I think you need to catch an event when you start dragging, lookup which class (for the size) the current element has and then apply that size on the placeholder.
Ok.My boxes are in 3 kolumns, <lu> element, and the box is an <li> element. Så how can I have different box and placeholder size in the same kolumn?Can I set the <ul> width to "auto" and just adjust the <li> width? Woulnd't that cause problems?Thanks!
Erik Lydecker