



I have a Facebook comment button a user can click on to comment on some content. My intention is for the button to open an fb:dialog that contains fb:comments markup so they can leave a comment.

Below is my attempt:

<fb:dialog id="comments_home">
    <fb:dialog-title>Home Comments</fb:dialog-title>
            <fb:comments xid-"amazingmornings_home" canpost="true" numposts="10" showform="false" publish_feed="true"></fb:comments>
<a href="#" clicktoshowdialog="comments_home">Comments</a>

Note: I am using the Facebook JavaScript API to handle parsing all of the fbml on the page. It is initialized like so:

    apiKey: "somekey",
    appId: "someid",
    status: true, // check login status
    cookie: true, //enable cookies
    xfbml: true //parse xfbml

However, instead of just loading a simple Comments link, it instead renders the Comments section on the page, with a Comments link below it that doesn't do anything.

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