Hi All
I am looking for a tool/software that can help me in designing my app.
Basically i do not need something like a code generator, but a nice software that let me create blocks where i implement actions (like a class, but just with the declaration of the methods and datatypes/returned types; no implementation) and then let me create relations, like you would have in various classes that interact with each other.
EXample: i make a block and call it "car"; i implement the methods accelerate, break and others; then i create a block called "person"; that interact with the car block. When I decide to add another class, i simply add another block, and if i try to use this block with the car or the person block, without using the correct datatypes, it will give me an error (like i create a block called elephant, and try to use it on the car).
I've looked at UML, but is mainly on PC, and i need an app for mac; and the majority of the response that i get are oriented to drawing tools like omnigraffle...the problem is that these software are just helping you drawing the classes; and if i gotta make all the work by myself, at this point i use the old pen and paper :D
It would be nice if there is also an exporter to make pseudo code, so i can import it in Xcode and have all the relations implemented, build and see if i get any error; and then start to implement each single method.
Am i dreaming or something like this exist? Visio is cool (when it works); but is oriented for MS platform, not OBJ-C :(
Thanks for any suggestions!