Create a date table that contains one row for each day that you care about (say Jan 1 2000 - Dec 31 2099):
create table dates (the_date date primary key);
delimiter $$
create procedure populate_dates (p_start_date date, p_end_date date)
declare v_date date;
set v_date = p_start_date;
while v_date <= p_end_date
insert ignore into dates (the_date) values (v_date);
set v_Date = date_add(v_date, interval 1 day);
end while;
end $$
delimiter ;
call populate_dates('2000-01-01','2099-12-31');
Then you can run a query like this to get your desired output:
set @date = curdate();
select dayofweek(the_date) as dayOfWeek, count(*) as numLeft
from dates
where the_date >= @date
and the_date < str_to_date(period_add(date_format(@date,'%Y%m'),1),'%Y%m')
group by dayofweek(the_date);
That will exclude days of the week that have 0 occurrences left in the month. If you want to see those you can create another table with the days of the week (1-7):
create table days_of_week (
id tinyint unsigned not null primary key,
name char(10) not null
insert into days_of_week (id,name) values (1,'Sunday'),(2,'Monday'),
And query that table with a left join to the dates table:
select, count(d.the_Date) as numLeft
from days_of_week w
left outer join dates d on = dayofweek(d.the_date)
and d.the_date >= @date
and d.the_date < str_to_date(period_add(date_format(@date,'%Y%m'),1),'%Y%m')
group by;