




Im using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect to our SQL Server 2005 (think its 2005, its version 9.000 something something). I have a table with one column that saves a lot of text. I have set the column type to text. When i have a row with lots of text in this column i cannot delete it. I get the message "string or binary data would be truncated" when i try to delete it. If i try to edit the row i get the same message. What do i do?

Considerable : i fix it by drop table and create it again, but i wanna a Solution!

+3  A: 

Normally this kind of error happens when you're inserting a long value into the column that can't store it. Check whether you don't have any triggers or any related logic that could do that on your behalf when you're deleting the row (e.g. for logging purposes / audit trail)

Thomas Wanner
my column type is ntext and this happened when i want to delete row...see last sentence, Updated
CooL i3oY
I have the exact same problem. I can neither change the value nor delete the row, also with an `ntext` field.
Deniz Dogan