



I'm wondering what will happen after 2038-01-19 03:14:07 with table fields using TIMESTAMP as data type?

I always preferred DATETIME but you apparently can't assign CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value to that type. I mean, 28 years is not so long when you think about it (in my opinion anyway)... So what will happen to all those TIMESTAMP fields then?


You may not be able to assign CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to a DATETIME column, but you can assign NOW() to it.

As for the y2k+38 issue, I'm willing to bet there will be newer versions of MySQL that will address this long before it is a real concern.

unfortunatly, to set NOW() I need to create a TRIGGER. While this is an acceptable solution, triggers don't show in PhpMyAdmin exports (but does with mysqldump) :/
Yanick Rochon
You don't need to set a trigger to add `NOW()`.. it can be added in your insert/update query... Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.
I understand the default values and how to set NOW(). I was more curious about general opinion about TIMESTAMP vs DATETIME (my personal fav is DATETIME). But I'll just close this question and say, in conclusion, that I agree with the y2k+38 being resolved by that time with a newer version (hopefully!)
Yanick Rochon