I am trying to build a list from a sequence by recursively appending the first element of the sequence to the list:
open System
let s = seq[for i in 2..4350 -> i,2*i]
let rec copy s res =
if (s|>Seq.isEmpty) then
let (a,b) = s |> Seq.head
Console.WriteLine(string a)
let newS = s |> Seq.skip(1)|> Seq.cache
let newRes = List.append res ([(a,b)])
copy newS newRes
copy s ([])
Two problems:
. getting a Stack overflow which means my tail recusive ploy sucks
. why is the code 100x faster when I put |> Seq.cache
here let newS = s |> Seq.skip(1)|> Seq.cache
(Note this is just a little exercise, I understand you can do Seq.toList etc.. )
Thanks a lot
One way that works is ( the two points still remain a bit weird to me ):
let toList (s:seq<_>) =
let rec copyRev res (enum:Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<_*_>) =
let somethingLeft = enum.MoveNext()
if not(somethingLeft) then
let curr = enum.Current
Console.WriteLine(string curr)
let newRes = curr::res
copyRev newRes enum
let enumerator = s.GetEnumerator()
(copyRev ([]) (enumerator)) |>List.rev