




I have two tables TimeSheet and TimeRecord. TimeRecord has Foreign Key TimeSheetId of TimeSheet. The following time-logs are from TimeRecord,

TimeSheet sample data:

TimeSheetId, StudentId

  • 187 , 10
  • 196 , 11
  • 195 , 12

TimeRecord sample data:

TimeRecordId, TimeSheetId, TimeIn, TimeOut

  • 1 , 187 , 8/17/2010 1:06:55 PM , 8/17/2010 1:53:49 PM
  • 2 , 196 , 8/17/2010 1:31:28 PM , 8/17/2010 4:59:58 PM
  • 3 , 187 , 8/17/2010 1:51:40 PM , 8/17/2010 4:59:02 PM
  • 4 , 187 , 8/17/2010 2:13:35 PM , 8/17/2010 5:00:08 PM
  • 5 , 196 , 8/17/2010 2:19:44 PM , 8/17/2010 5:00:14 PM
  • 6 , 196 , 8/17/2010 2:23:02 PM , 8/17/2010 4:46:00 PM
  • 7 , 195 , 8/17/2010 3:04:15 PM , 8/17/2010 4:58:34 PM

I'd like to get total time spent of each student. So, the result will be like something's like the following:

  • 10 has 10hr 30mn 5sec
  • 11 has 8hr 45mm 23sec
  • 12 has 2hr 33mn 25sec

Thanks a lot.

+1  A: 

Well, I don't know how well it will work, but I'd at least try:

var query = from record in db.TimeRecords
            group record by record.TimeSheetId into g
            select new { id = g.Key, 
                         TotalTime = g.Sum(x => x.TimeOut - x.TimeIn) } into t
            join student in db.TimeSheets
            on equals student.TimeSheetId
            select new { student.StudentId, t.TotalTime };

It really depends on whether LINQ to SQL is happy to subtract one DateTime from another and then sum the results of doing that across multiple records. (If it works, TotalTime should end up as a TimeSpan.)

Jon Skeet
I'm trying to convert this to VB.NET version. If possible, please give VB.NET equivalent to C# above also. I'm very new to C#. I've just started 3 days ago with C#.
@Narazana: I don't have time to convert it myself at the moment - but I suggest you *try* it in C# (just in a console app) before worrying about converting it. If it's not going to work, there's no point in converting it :)
Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

You can simply subtract one date from the other. This will give you a TimeSpan object. You can then use the ToString method of the TimeSpan object to display the time spent however you wish using standard TimeSpan format strings. Your might look something like this:

TimeSpan timeSpent = studentTimeRecord.TimeOut - studentTimeRecortd.TimeIn; 
string displayTime = timeSpent.ToString("[hh]hr [mm]mn [ss]sec");

Update: I just realized that I did not address the issue of grouping the students and summing over the grouping. I'll defer to Jon's answer for that.

Thanks for this. My question is about summing total time spent of each student from TimeRecord. One TimeSheet can have one ore more TimeRecord.
@sgriffinusa If you that method, you can only format TimeSpan < 24hr only. According to the question, student can have total time of more than 24 hr.
Angkor Wat
@Angkor Wat, good point. The link that I included to the standard TimeSpan format strings includes the option for days. I just tried to duplicate the results in the question.
+1  A: 

I think this what you are trying to archive:

    Dim query = From ts In db.TimeSheet _
                 Join tr In db.TimeRecord On tr.TimeSheetId Equals ts.TimeSheetId _
                 Group By ts.StudentId, tr.TimeSheetId Into TotalTime = Sum(DateDiffSecond(tr.TimeIn, tr.TimeOut)) _
                 Select StudentId, TimeSheetId, TotalTime

    Dim timespan As TimeSpan
    Dim formattedTimeSpan As String

    For Each q In query

        timespan = timespan.FromSeconds(q.TotalTime)
        formattedTimeSpan = String.Format("{0} hr {1} mm {2} sec", Math.Truncate(timespan.TotalHours), timespan.Minutes)
        Response.Write("Student " & " " & q.StudentId & " has " & q.TimeSheetId & " : " & formattedTimeSpan & "<br/>")


You need to import SqlMethods:

Imports System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods

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Angkor Wat