In my stored procedure I have to pass a table and column name which may change everytime. So I build command and execute it. I want the output in another variable @curr_id. This store procedure will be called by second stored procedure by using @curr_id as input.
My problem is populating the @curr_id vriable. It is returned as zero. If I remove the curr_id variable then it works(see commented line)
Can someone pl. tell me - how to get @curr_id populated and returned as OUTPUT? - how to call the first stored proc from a second stored proc?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_astm_getcurrid]
@ColName as nvarchar(250),
@TblName as nvarchar(250),
@curr_id nvarchar(max) OUTPUT
DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(max)
SET @cmd =N'SET '+@curr_id+'= SELECT MAX('+@ColName+') FROM '+@TblName;
--SET @cmd =N'SELECT MAX('+@ColName+') FROM '+@TblName;
EXEC (@cmd)