I have a WCF service that I am calling to using jQuery 1.4.2 (polling it actually every second or so). Over time, the ajax calls slow. Initial request to a method are around ~30ms, but over about a half hour i can watch using Opera's DragonFly (and verified with chrome's tools too) my request times slowly increase. In about a half hour i go from ~30ms request time to ~300ms request time.
At first i thought it was the service i wrote, so I changed the method to just return a value, no calculations or anything:
public int DoSomething(int id)
return 0;
I was pretty surprised to see that the behavior is the same: A steady increase in request time. I know this is pretty vague, but any pointers for trouble shooting something like this? if its not my method, who is the likely candidate?
Im using .NET 3.5sp1 & C#
edit: To clarify, I am using jQuery's $.ajax method to make the call, and its the actual request time that is slowing, the response is always pretty much ~0ms.
edit 2: I have fixed the memory issue mentioned in the comments with Jon Hanna & still my request times grow.