I often want to wipe all buffers loaded with a given extension (usually .rej files produced by patch). Just doing :bw[!] *.rej will complain if there is more than one match. Does anyone have any good tips? Currently I either repeatedly use :bw *.rej + tab-complete or, if there are a lot of buffers, use :ls and :bw a set of buffers by number.
Globbing in vim is a bit difficult (apart from for files on the file system). Therefore, the best way seems to be to convert the wildcard into a regular expression and then check each buffer in the buffer list to see whether it matches. Something like this:
" A command to make invocation easier
command! -complete=buffer -nargs=+ BWipe call BWipe(<f-args>)
function! BWipe(...)
let bufnames = []
" Get a list of all the buffers
for bufnumber in range(0, bufnr('$'))
if buflisted(bufnumber)
call add(bufnames, bufname(bufnumber))
for argument in a:000
" Escape any backslashes, dots or spaces in the argument
let this_argument = escape(argument, '\ .')
" Turn * into .* for a regular expression match
let this_argument = substitute(this_argument, '\*', '.*', '')
" Iterate through the buffers
for buffername in bufnames
" If they match the provided regex and the buffer still exists
" delete the buffer
if match(buffername, this_argument) != -1 && bufexists(buffername)
exe 'bwipe' buffername
It can be used as:
:BWipe *.rej
:BWipe *.c *.h
2010-08-18 10:50:27
That is very helpful, thanks!
2010-08-20 16:48:01
By the way, I ended up going with a very low-tech solution (I personally like to modify vim as little as possible so that I am at home on any machine):
I added a mapping:
:map <C-f> :bw *.rej
Then I repeatedly press <C-f> <Tab> <CR>
2010-10-19 18:04:12