Firefox works fine, Opera is great and Chrome works well also. IE is the issue. It seems to be ANY version of IE.
The site is and no matter where you click, it brings down our javascript menu from the top.
When you hover over the images it shows you the correct path and everything but when you click it just drops down the Ministry Index dropdown
I have removed the offending jquery which was an older version and am now just calling the site.js which is the code below:
$('p#minguide-link a').click(function(){
if ($('#index-wrapper').is(':hidden')) {
$('p#minguide-link a').addClass('down');
return false;
} else {
$('p#minguide-link a').removeClass('down');
return false;
var group_width = $('li#nav_groups ul').width();
var group_adj = ((group_width*-1)/2)+79;
var care_width = $('li#nav_care--serve ul').width();
var care_adj = ((care_width*-1)/2)+79;
var sermon_width = $('li#nav_sermons ul').width() + 2;
var sermon_adj = ((sermon_width*-1)/2)+79;
$('li#nav_groups.current ul').css({"left":"auto", "margin-left":group_adj});
$('li#nav_care--serve.current ul').css({"left":"auto", "margin-left":care_adj});
$('li#nav_sermons.current ul').css({"left":"auto", "margin-left":sermon_adj});
With that alone being called nothing happens. It seems that it is now fixed in IE from what I can tell.
Now how do I get site.js to be called correctly so the menu drops down correctly.