This is a newbie question in R. I am downloading yahoo finance monthly stock price data using R where the ticker names are read from a text file . I am using a loop to read the ticker names to download the data and putting them in a list. My problem is some ticker names may not be correct thus my code stops when it encounters this case.I want the following.
(1) skip the ticker name if it is not correct. (2) Each element in the list is a dataframe. I want the ticker names to be appended to variable names in element dataframes. (3)I need an efficient way to create a dataframe that has the closing prices as variables.
Here is the sample code for the simplified version of my problem.
tckk <-c("MSFT","C","VIA/B","MMM")# ticker names defined
numtk <-length(tckk);
ustart <-"2000-12-30";uend <-"2007-12-30" #start and end date
all_dat<-list()#empty list to fill in the data
for(i in 1:numtk)
all_dat[[i]]<-xxx<-get.hist.quote(instrument = tckk[i], start=ustart, end=uend,quote = c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close"),provider = "yahoo", compression = "m")
The code stops at the third entry but I want to skip this ticker and move on to "MMM".I have heard about Trycatch() function but donot know how to use it.
As per question 2, I want the variable names for the first element of the list to be "MSFTopen","MSFThigh","MSFTlow", and "MSFTclose" . IS there a better to way to do it apart from using a combination of loop and paste() function.
Finally, for question 3, I need a dataframe with three columns corresponding to closing prices. Again, I am trying to avoid a loop here.
Thank you.