Hi Guys, I want to call this two functions at the same time having the onShow event. Is that ever possible? It's in JavaScript
1st function:
selectColumn: function(picker, inst) {
var target = $(this);
picker.find('div.datepick-month th span').each(function() {
$('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="' +
this.className + '" title="Select all of these days">' +
$(this).text() + '</a>').
click(function() {
var dates = $('div.datepick-month td:nth-child(' +
($(this).parent().index() + 1) +
') a:not(.datepick-other-month)', picker);
dates = dates.map(function(i, elem) {
return target.datepick('retrieveDate', this);
//target.datepick('clear').datepick('setDate', dates);
$.merge(dates, target.datepick('getDate'));
target.datepick('clear').datepick('setDate', dates);
2nd function:
selectWeek: function(picker, inst) {
var target = $(this);
picker.find('td.datepick-week span').each(function() {
$('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="' +
this.className + '" title="Select the entire week">' +
$(this).text() + '</a>').
click(function() {
var date = target.datepick('retrieveDate', this);
var dates = [date];
for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
dates.push(date = $.datepick.add($.datepick.newDate(date), 1, 'd'));
if (inst.get('rangeSelect')) {
dates.splice(1, dates.length - 2);
target.datepick('setDate', dates).datepick('hide');
So could you guys help me if it is possible? By the way, this is how I call it on my main page:
<textarea cols = "40" rows = "4" id = "picker"></textarea>
<!--<input type = "text" cols="40" rows ="4" size="20" id = "picker"/>-->
<div style = "display:none"><img src="cn.jpg" width="16" height="15" alt="Popup" id = "calImg"/></div>