I have two varchar fields which store the date and time in the following format: date=2010-08-18; time=07:53:55;
What would be the right sql query to show me the events from the most recent to the oldest
I have two varchar fields which store the date and time in the following format: date=2010-08-18; time=07:53:55;
What would be the right sql query to show me the events from the most recent to the oldest
Aside from recommending that you use MySQL datetime fields rather than VARCHARs for any date or time values; what about something simple like adding an ORDER BY clause to your query:
Or you could convert them to datetime and then use the order by. To convert to date, use str_to_date like:
mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE('01,5,2013','%d,%m,%Y');
-> '2013-05-01'
See the documentation on this function.