If you need to divide 100 over 2 with a maximum distance of N, the lowest value in the combination is
100 / 2 - N / 2
If you need to divide 100 over 3 values with a maximum distance of N, this becomes more tricky. The average of the 3 values will be 100/3, but if one of them is much lower than this average, than the other can only be slightly bigger than this average, meaning that the minimum value is not the average minus the maximum distance divided by two, but probably
100 / 3 - 2N / 3
In general with M values, this becomes
100 / M - (M-1)N / M
Which can be simplified to
(100 - (M-1)N) / M
Similarly we can calculate the highest possible value:
(100 + (M-1)N) / M
This gives you a range for first value of your combination.
To determine the range for the second value, you have to consider the following constraints:
- the distance with the first value (should not be higher than your maximum distance)
- can we still achieve the sum (100)
The first constraint is not a problem. The second is.
Suppose that we divide 100 over 3 with a maximum distance of 30 using multiples of 10
As calculated before, the minimum value is:
(100 - (3-1)30) / 3 --> 13 --> rounded to the next multiple of 10 --> 20
The maximum value is
(100 + (3-1)30) / 3 --> 53 --> rounded to the previous multiple of 10 --> 50
So for the first value we should iterate over 20, 30, 40 and 50.
Suppose we choose 20. This leaves 80 for the other 2 values.
Again we can distribute 80 over 2 values with a maximum distance of 30, this gives:
Minimum: (80 - (2-1)30) / 2 --> 25 --> rounded --> 30
Maximum: (80 + (2-1)30) / 2 --> 55 --> rounded --> 50
The second constraint is that we don't want a distance larger than 30 compared with our first value. This gives a minimum of -10 and a maximum of 50.
Now take the intersection between both domains --> 30 to 50 and for the second value iterate over 30, 40, 50.
Then repeat this for the next value.
I added the algorithm in pseudo-code to make it clearer:
calculateRange (vector, remainingsum, nofremainingvalues, multiple, maxdistance)
if (remaingsum==0)
// at this moment the nofremainingvalues should be zero as well
// found a solution
print vector
minvalueaccordingdistribution = (remainingsum-(nofremainingvalues-1)*maxdistance)/nofremaingvalues;
maxvalueaccordingdistribution = (remainingsum+(nofremainingvalues-1)*maxdistance)/nofremaingvalues;
minvalueaccordingdistance = max(values in vector) - maxdistance;
maxvalueaccordingdistance = min(values in vector) + maxdistance;
minvalue = min (minvalueaccordingdistribution, minvalueaccordingdistance);
maxvalue = max (minvalueaccordingdistribution, minvalueaccordingdistance);
for (value=minvalue;value<=maxvalue;value+=multiple)
calculaterange (vector + value, remainingsum - value, nofremainingvalues-1, multiple, maxdistance);
calculaterange (emptyvector, 100, 2, 20);