So here is the situation. I have a button on one of my extjs pages. This button opens a child window as a pop-up. This child window has a .method attribute as well as a .ref attribute, and also a .id. I need the functionality to open another window with the SAME template, everytime I click that button.
I was thinking set the childwindow .method property to something like 'getWindow', and the .ref to something like 'newWindow' and then create a javascript function on the backend to look something like this:
var myArray = [];
var count = 0;
function getWindow() {
newWindow.Id = count;
myArray[count] = count;
Would this work?
Using ViewDetailsWin As New Pages.ChildWindow
With ViewDetailsWin
.Id = "Test"
.IconCls = Model.WorkflowStepDefinition.SmallIcon
.Ref = "viewDetailsWin"
.RenderTo = "workspacePanel.getEl()"
.DestroyerRef = "mainPanel"
.MethodName = "getViewDetailsWin"
.Title = "View Details/Amortization Schedule"
.Layout = Pages.Panel.LayoutType.Fit
.Closable = True
.CloseAction = Pages.Window.CloseActionType.Hide
.Minimizable = True
.Modal = False
.Height = 700
.Width = 1000
.BodyStyle = "padding:10px"
There is more to it....