




Hi! I am curious if there are defined some math methods in not managed DX such as RotationAxis in the managed one (converts a pair of angle and vetor to a quatenion - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb281652(v=VS.85).aspx).

I have realized that in managed DX You can use a lot of predefined math methods, but is it true at not managed directx also?

Okay, i know it is not difficult to implement such algorithms, but it would be good to use predefined ones.

And how can I use math methods? I could not find anithing in SDK doc or google :(

Sorr my for "english", and my noobinity :)

+1  A: 

They're located in the D3DX library, included in the SDK. Just include <d3dx9.h> and don't forget to add D3dx9.lib to the linker dependencies.

Math functions (look for D3DXQuaternion*, such as D3DXQuaternionRotationAxis which should be the function you're looking for)

OMG, U R my saviour :D Thanks a lot :P