



I have this problem

Error 23 The "AssemblyInfo" task could not be loaded from the assembly AssemblyInfoTask, Version=1.0.51130.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35. Could not load file or assembly 'AssemblyInfoTask, Version=1.0.51130.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available. CustomActions

Any sugestions? thank you.

UPD. The Problem was ocured after copying project from SVN in my PC. Project is written in VS 2005. And I have installed VS 2005.

UPD. Having installed SP1 for VS2005, It is still not working.

UPD. I have changed lines in project file like this

<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />

<!--  <Import Project="$(SolutionDir)eService.VersionNumber.targets" />

and it starts to work. So as I see the pronlem was in eService.VersionNumber.targets file. All is working in another PC. And the file exist.


Try go to solution explorer in Visual Studio, then open the references folder.
There you should find AssemblyInfoTask with a warning sign next to it.
Click the AssemblyInfoTask reference and check the properties window. There you can find the path where Visual Studio looks for the assembly.
Either make sure the AssemblyInfoTask assembly is where Visual Studio is looking, or remove the reference and add it again with a new correct path.
If this is an project reference you need to make sure that project is in your solution and that the build order is correct.

Albin Sunnanbo