



Hi to all !

Basicly, I think the title of the post here says it all.

I am working with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel. EDIT: I am running Windows 7 x64.

Everytime I open a solution it tries to connect to all databases present in Server Explorer. My problem is that some of them are not always available over internet so I must wait for the timeout. Anyone as ever experienced the same problem ?

I am usign the PRO version at home and it does not do it.

I disabled every plugin into Visual Studio and now I am stuck with this problem.

Finally, even Google did not help me so this is why I am trying here.

Thanks a lot.


Check the connect site and see if someone else is experiencing the same problem. Mine seems to happen when I connect to TFS like this

If you find a bug that matches your symptoms you can look for a workaround and also confirm the bug with a vote which will increase the likelyhood that it is addressed.


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