




I have two pages EventList.aspx and EventDetail.apsx. When user selects any events [basically list item] on EventList.aspx page [all events are rollup in single sote collection] in am redirected to EventDetail.aspx page with QueryString ListID and ListItemId.

On EventDetail.aspx page i am using


SharePointWebControls:SPDataSource ID="SPDataSource1" runat="server" DataSourceMode="CrossList" 
UseInternalName="true" SelectCommand="<Webs Scope='SiteCollection'></Webs><Lists><List ID='{ListID}'></List>
</Lists><View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ID'/></ViewFields><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID'/>
<Value Type='Number'>{ID}</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>"></SharePointWebControls:SPDataSource>

Here i am displaying details of the event select by user on earlier page.

So i want to assign ListID and ID Query String variables to my selectcommand. Also i am not using , b'coz i did not find single syntax where the DataSourceMode="CrossList" and they have used Selectparameters>.

NOTE: In above code if i replace the {ListID} and {ID} with hardcore List_ID and List_Item_ID in code it works. I guess its syntactical error I am using DataSourceMode="CrossList", as data[events] come from cross site and in single site collection.

Please suggest.

Many Thanks, Ketan