



I have several combobox choices which a user can select from on a WPF window. Each of those compbo boxes are bound to different tables through EDMX. The combos do not bind to eachother.

I'm looking for a master/detail functionality. When a user selects anyone of the combobox selections(master) a query results(details) built from the selection(parameter) should be displayed in a datagrid section of the window.

The datagrid is NOT explicitly defined as it will contain different data depending on which combobox was selected from. So for the datagrid I'm using:

`<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Height="167" Name="stackPanel4" VerticalAlignment="Top" DataContext="{StaticResource tbl_MyGenericDataGridViewSource}">
        <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="True" Height="166" Name="dataGrid1" Width="760" ItemsSource="{Binding}" />

What is the best data cache between the query results and the datagrid?
Should I be using a dataset?

This would be something I can bind to the datagrid on a combobox selection event or query return event.I want to do this taking advantage of Framework 4.0 WPF wizardry.