I am having trouble calling a 3rd party web-service. I have not received a SOAP fault, but am not getting a valid resultset. A colleague of mine has written a client in RPG on the OS400 and it returns a valid resultset. When comparing the RAW request in Fiddler2 for both requests, the only glaring difference I noticed was that my c# client had SOAP xml elements with xmlns="" and his did not. Is it possible to remove said empty namespace declarations? Please see the referenced SOAP request below:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<SendArchitectServiceRequest xmlns="archserver.xsd.dataflux.com">
<serviceName xmlns="">AddressVerify.dmc</serviceName>
<fieldDefinitions xmlns="">
<fieldDefinitions xmlns="">
<fieldDefinitions xmlns="">
<fieldDefinitions xmlns="">
<fieldDefinitions xmlns="">
<fieldDefinitions xmlns="">
<dataRows xmlns="">
<value>3485 W. Harmon Ave.</value>
<value>Las Vegas</value>
<value>United States</value>