Hey all,
Not the biggest whiz on math here... having a hard time figuring this out.
So I get the clients time of day using:
var clientdate = new Date();
var clientTime = clientdate.getHours() + 1;
If clientTime() = 1, rgb should equal 55,91,128
If clientTime() = 24, rgb should equal 0,30,61
What I am trying to figure out is how to get the values to be correct if the time is, for instance, 14.
My original theory was this:
- Subtract difference from RGB values. So they would be 55,61,67.
- Divide clientTime by 24
), multiple that by my difference in step 1. - Subtract step 2 from the original RGB values.
Here is the code:
var clientdate = new Date();
var clientTime = clientdate.getHours() + 1;
var r = 55;
var g = 91;
var b = 128;
var rn = 0;
var gn = 30;
var bn = 61;
var rt = (r-rn)*(clientTime/24);
var gt = (g-gn)*(clientTime/24);
var bt = (b-bn)*(clientTime/24);
var rf = r-rt;
var gf = g-gt;
var bf = b-bt;
How do I get RGB values between 55,91,128 and 0,30,61 based on the time of day.
Did I do this correctly, and if so, how do I do it more concise?