



I have a classic ASP website I am working to try and convert to .NET- one page at a time. I am using VS2010 for this. The development db is on a network share drive, and when I try to debug my application I recieve an error because the BIOS command limit has been reached, as a result of the db being located on a network share drive. Is there any way I can add the db to my solution I am trying to convert?

For example, I added an App_Data folder, and I tried to add an existing item, but then, b/c I do not have the db mapped to any of my local drives on my computer, i could not add it. Is it possible to add a database that is on a network drive?

Or would i need to create a backup of the dev db, restore it to my local and then add it to my solution from my local machine?

I have tried also to use the server explorer to connect to my db, however when i try to create a new data connection w/ the db on the server, i get an error when i try to test the connection b/c the version of SQL server installed on the db is 2000, and you need 2005 or later.
