



Edit: Problem is solved by updating.

Resharper is really annoying me and marking code that is 100% correct as wrong, it keeps wanting me to change an Action to an Action<T1,T2...Tn> when this obviously incorrect. It flashes everytime I type something so is really distracting. Is there a way to disable resharper totally inbetween two comments? Or how do you disable only for this warning?

alt text

Edit: There is no hint on the left to disable this using comments.

The menu that pops up when you press Alt+Return:

alt text

Edit: I found a solution, just wrap the offending lines of code in #region RFail and #endregion statements. Not ideal though.


If you click the context menu that ReSharper pops up at the left edge of the editor window, it should offer you the option to either wrap the offending code in a suitable comment or adjust the setting for that kind of alert.

Marcelo Cantos
I have already tried to do this and there is none :(
Callum Rogers
That's very odd. I'd almost say it's a bug; perhaps you should report it to JetBrains. Also, would you please post a screen shot of the context menu into the question?
Marcelo Cantos
@Marcelo: I don't think that there is a context menu button in this situation.
I think it is a bug, there seem to be quite a few with R#, especially with nested anonymous delegates. Only this time I can't disable the warnings.
Callum Rogers
Callum, please log any issues you find in and we can look into them.Thanks.
Hadi Hariri