I'm trying to develop an XSLT stylesheet which transforms a given DocBook document to a file which can be fed to the lout document formatting system (which then generates PostScript output).
Doing so requires that I replace a few characters in the text of DocBook elements because they have a special meaning to lout. In particular, the characters
/ | & { } # @ ~ \ "
need to be enclosed in double quotes (") so that lout treats them as ordinary characters.
For instance, a DocBook element like
<para>This is a sample {a contrived one at that} ~ it serves no special purpose.</para>
should be transformed to
This is a sample "{"a contrived one at that"}" "~" it serves no special purpose.
How can I do this with XSLT? I'm using xsltproc, so using XPath 2.0 functions is not an option but a number of EXSLT functions are available.
I tried using a recursive template which yields the substring up to a special character (e.g. {
), then the escaped character sequence ("{"
) and then calls itself on the substring after the special character. However, I have a hard time making this work properly when trying to replace multiple characters, and one of them is used in the escaped sequence itself.