



Hi guys, Can anyone help with my last assignment question that i got stuck on for 2 days straight. I'm suck at Haskell and this question seems to be too advanced for me, so please help me cos its due mid-night tonight.

Any help is really appreciated.

Here is my question.

Your main task in this question is to define the function classlist :: (Codes, Marks) -> Ranks that takes the list of names and id numbers, and the list of id numbers and marks, and returns the list of names, marks, and final rankings.

Thanks in advance!!!

type Name = String

type Iden = Integer

type Mark = Int

type Rank = Int

type Codes = [(Name, Iden)]

type Marks = [(Iden, Mark)]

type Ranks = [(Name, Mark, Rank)]

classlist :: (Codes, Marks) -> Ranks

Here is my type declaration but don't know how to start.

You should [edit your question]( and put these info in. Then delete this answer since this isn't really an answer.
+1  A: 

Your question has two parts: (1) get name and mark matched together, then (2) rank the names by their marks.

For the first part of your question, you should think something like this:

Codes maps a Name to an Iden. Marks maps a Iden to a Mark. Somehow you have to map a Name to a Mark.

To do that, for each Name in Code, take the associated Iden and look it up in Marks. That should give you the associated Mark, which you can then match with theName`.

For the second part, you have to sort the newly associated (Name, Mark) pairs, probably by Mark. Then you should be able to take that list and add a Rank to each one, starting from 1 and counting up.

By the way, midnight is still 4 hours off for me, but I bet that it is considerably closer for you (unless you are in Australia) this advice may not come in time. You might start asking your instructor or classmates for help earlier next time.

Nathan Sanders

@user424683: Hey mate, i'm stuck on this question as well. Are you my class?

Please guys help us!

here's the whole question:

Consider the problem of processing examination marks to produce a final classlist. There are two inputs to the problem, both of them non-empty lists. One list, known only to the examiner, consists of an alphabetically ordered list of candidate names together with candidate id numbers. For example:

BAYLIS 101369
CARTER 101370
DENNIS 101371
EDWARDS 101373

The second list, produced by the marker for the examination, consists of an ordered list of candidate id numbers and the marks. For example:

101369 62
101370 75
101371 62
101372 30
101373 50

The task of the examiner is to use these two lists to produce a class list in alphabetical order of candidate names, their marks, and their final ranking. A candidate has rank n if and only if there are exactly (n-1) candidates with higher marks. It is also required to print the result in a suitably readable format. For example:

We introduce some appropriate types:
type Name = String
type Iden = Integer
type Mark = Int
type Rank = Int
type Codes = [(Name, Iden)]
type Marks = [(Iden, Mark)]
type Ranks = [(Name, Mark, Rank)]

(a) Your main task in this question is to define the function classlist :: (Codes, Marks) -> Ranks that takes the list of names and id numbers, and the list of id numbers and marks, and returns the list of names, marks, and final rankings. This function can be constructed as a composition of two phases: 1. collating marks with candidate names, and 2. producing the ranking. To collate names with marks, we can assume that the list of codes is ordered alphabetically by Name, the list of marks is ordered numerically by Iden, that no two candidates have the same name or id number, and that the two lists have equal length. To compute the rank for each candidate we need to count the number of candidates with higher marks. The problem of computing rank can be made much easier by sorting the list in descending order of marks. If a candidate has the same mark as the immediately preceding candidate, they both get the same rank. You should make use of higher-order functions where possible, in order to simplify your solution (eg. map, filter, zip, zipWith.) You should also make use of the following functions:

1. sortby :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortby is a higher-order function that takes a function with an ordered result type as its first argument. The specification of sortby f xs is that it sorts the items in the list xs using the values that are generated by applying the function f to each item in the list. sortby f xs returns a permutation ys of xs satisfying (f x <= f y) for each pair of list elements (x,y) where x is the predecessor of y in ys. Consider, for example, sortby markfn classmarks where markfn :: (Name, Mark) -> Mark such an instance of sortby could be used to sort a list of (Name, Mark) pairs by mark.

2. sortwith :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] sortby is a higher-order function that takes a binary function which returns a Boolean value as its first argument. The specification of sortwith f xs is that it sorts the items in the list xs using the function f to compare pairs of items in the list. sortwith f xs returns a permutation ys of xs such that f x y evaluates to True for each pair of list elements (x,y) where x is the predecessor of y in ys. Consider, for example, sortwith compmks classmarks where compmks :: (Name, Mark) -> (Name, Mark) -> Boolean such an instance of sortwith could be used to sort a list of (Name, Mark) pairs by mark, in either ascending or descending order, depending on how compmks was defined.

Thanks so much for any helps!