Hello all
I am using the deprecated autocomplete plugin (since I'm using the legacy jquery lib 1.3.2).
My problem is that the autocomplete plugin tries to cache the requests. I am using a server side url to return the results.
Consider this scenario:
Keyword : Results
i : ikea, iphone, ipod, ipad, iphone 4
ip: iphone, ipod, ipad, iphone4
iph: iphone, iphone 4
ipho: iphone, iphone 4
You see the problem, the first time it got 5 results - that's the limit I have set at backend, its returning 5 results only. The next time, it doesn't send a request, it refines the resultset it got in first request and so on.
How can I make the autocomplete plugin send a request everytime the input changes?
Here is my code...
"/getSuggestions/", {
autoFill: true,
selectFirst: false,
cacheLength: 1
I tried setting the cacheLength to "1", but that doesn't work.
Can somebody help me out over here?