I am trying to display what each user has spend their time doing for the week(either internal or external work) but the time is all on the same column on the table, is it possible to split it into 2 different columns and still have it so that it only shows each user once not each time they entered time which could be multiple times throughout the week.
The SQL below gives me each users tracked time for the week but internal and external on different rows.
SELECT SUM(FilteredMag_Time.mag_hoursspent) AS Time,
FROM FilteredSystemUser
INNER JOIN FilteredMag_Task
INNER JOIN FilteredMag_project ON FilteredMag_Task.mag_projectid = FilteredMag_project.mag_projectid
INNER JOIN FilteredMag_Time ON FilteredMag_Task.mag_taskid = FilteredMag_Time.mag_taskid
ON FilteredSystemUser.systemuserid = FilteredMag_Time.createdby
WHERE (FilteredMag_Time.mag_starttime BETWEEN DATEADD(dd, - (DATEPART(dw, GETDATE()) - 1), GETDATE())
GROUP BY FilteredSystemUser.fullname, FilteredMag_project.mag_typename
ORDER BY FilteredSystemUser.fullname
Here is an example of the current output.
Time fullname mag_typename
------------------ --------------------- -------------------------
1.2500000000 David Sutton External
8.2500000000 Gayan Perera External
9.0000000000 Paul Nieuwelaar Internal
14.8700000000 Roshan Mehta External
6.0000000000 Roshan Mehta Internal
2.7800000000 Simon Phillips External
4.6600000000 Simon Phillips Internal