I have a C# solution with about 60 large projects. After a get latest version the compilation takes a lot of time. Do you have similar problems and what should be done?
I have a C# solution with about 60 large projects. After a get latest version the compilation takes a lot of time. Do you have similar problems and what should be done?
Do you need to be compiling all the projects? If there are some static projects which never get modified you can turn off compiling them by going to:
Build -> Configuration Manager
and then deselecting any large static projects which aren't changing. (Obviously remember to switch them on again when you make a change!) :)
This is especially good for skipping merge modules and installers (which take ages to compile) if you just want to run a debug of the code.
Pre-compile some projects first. Make them to library if possible. Then, add the projects back as reference. It will greatly shorten the compile time.