I have a problem connecting Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder to my filter. This usually happens with flv files. Here is how VIDEOINFOHEADER2 looks after connection and after play start (when first frames have passed):
Before play (after connection):
rcSource: (0,0,544,368)
rcTarget: (0,0,544,368)
dwBitRate: 71997051
dwBitErrorRate: 0
AvgTimePerFrame: 333667
dwInterlaceFlags: 129
dwCopyProtectFlags: 0
dwPictAspectRatioX: 544
dwPictAspectRatioY: 368
dwControlFlags: 0
biSize: 40
biWidth: 544
biHeight: 368
biPlanes: 1
biBitCount: 12
biCompression: 0x3231564E
biSizeImage: 300288
biXPelsPerMeter: 0
biYPelsPerMeter: 0
biClrUsed: 0
biClrImportant: 0
During playback:
rcSource: (0,0,540,360)
rcTarget: (0,0,540,360)
dwBitRate: 0
dwBitErrorRate: 0
AvgTimePerFrame: 333667
dwInterlaceFlags: 129
dwCopyProtectFlags: 1
dwPictAspectRatioX: 540
dwPictAspectRatioY: 360
dwControlFlags: 8321
biSize: 40
biWidth: 768
biHeight: -360
biPlanes: 1
biBitCount: 12
biCompression: 0x3231564E
biSizeImage: 414720
biXPelsPerMeter: 0
biYPelsPerMeter: 0
biClrUsed: 0
biClrImportant: 0
As you can notice, there is difference in video size. This is really important parameter, especially when you want to do color conversions (like I do in my filter that is connected to Microsoft DVD-DTV decoder). Is there any way to overcome this? Thanks!