



Hi, I have a list bound to a datarepeater which contains data being scrapped off a web site. Because the scrapping process could take some time, I binding the list to the datarepeater at the outset so the user can start seeing the results.

As I add entities to the list, I'm calling:


This is causing the dataRepeater to flicker as it redisplays the 1st x entries in the list. I've tried datarepeater.suspendlayout(), bindingsource.suspendbinding() etc.

I actually didn't expect these to work because in the end I do want the datarepeater to update. I was hoping for the datarepeater to continue showing the currently viewed entries, but for it to be aware that the list has grown (e.g., scrollbar thumb getting smaller) so that the user can navigate the growing list.

I'm not using the datarepeater in virtual mode.

Any ideas? Thanks