




I have three tables Student, TimeSheet and TimeRecord.

Talbe columns:

  • Student : StudentId, FirstName, LastName

  • TimeSheet: TimeSheetId,StudentId, IsActive

  • TimeRecord: TimeRecordId,TimeSheetId, BonusHour(type int), CreationDate

Table relationship:

  • Student 1:N TimeSheet (FK StudentId)
  • TimeSheet 1:N TimeRecord (FK TimeSheetId)

Student sample data:

StudentId, FirstName, LastName

  • 10 , Macro , John
  • 11 , Hiro , Edge
  • 12 , Sarah , Lemon

TimeSheet sample data:

TimeSheetId, StudentId, IsActive

  • 187 , 10 , True
  • 196 , 11 , True
  • 195 , 12 , True
  • 199, 10 , False
  • 200 , 12 , False

TimeRecord sample data:

TimeRecordId, TimeSheetId, BonusHour, IsValid, CreationDate

  • 1 , 187 , 1 , True , 7/18/2010 10:23:25 PM
  • 2 , 196 , 2 , True , 7/19/2010 2:23:25 PM

  • 3 , 187 , 1 , False , 8/1/2010 2:5:25 AM

  • 4 , 187 , 3 , True , 8/9/2010 12:23:13 PM

  • 5 , 196 , 0 , True , 7/20/2010 6:15:25 PM

  • 6 , 196 , 2 , True , 9/18/2010 2:23:25 PM

  • 7 , 195 , 3 , False , 8/18/2010 2:23:25 PM

  • 8 , 199, 4 , False , 7/18/2010 2:23:25 PM

I'd like to get total BonusHour of each student, only Active TimeSheet has Valid BonousHour that count. So, the result will be like something in the following:

For the month of July and so on for the any month

  • Hiro Edge has 10hr for July 2010
  • Sarah Lem has 8hr for July 2010
  • Macro John has 6hr for July 2010

Here's what I tried so far:

 Dim query = From ts In db.TimeSheet _ 
                 Join tr In db.TimeRecord On tr.TimeSheetId Equals ts.TimeSheetId _ 
                 Group By ts.StudentId, tr.TimeSheetId Into TotalTime = Sum(BonusHour) 
                 Select StudentId, TimeSheetId, TotalTime 

I can't get the join of three tables right yet. I can only join two tables so far. I need to join Student table to the query to get student name.

Thanks a lot.

Update One

Dim query = From st In db.Student Select New With { .stName = st.FirstName & " " & st.LastName, _ 
.BonusHours = (From ts In st.TimeSheets Join tr in db.TimeRecord On tr.TimeSheetId Equals ts.TimeSheetId _
                    Where ts.IsActive = True And tr.IsValid = True _
                    Group By key = New With {ts.TimeSheetId, .MonthYear = (tr.CreationDate.Value.Month & "/" & tr.CreationDate.Value.Year)} Into BonusHr = Sum(tr.BonusHour)})}

Now, the problem is that how I can get the "MonthYear" out from "BournsHours". Because I want it like this :

  • Hiro Edge has 10hr for July 2010
  • Sarah Lem has 8hr for July 2010
  • Macro John has 6hr for July 2010

  • Hiro Edge has 0hr for August 2010

  • Sarah Lem has 3hr for August 2010
  • Macro John has 2hr for August 2010

and so on for any month.


(some C# and alternatives is removed for clarity, see history)

C# to VB.Net (don't know whether this is correct VB.Net):

Dim query = From st In db.StudentNew With { _
 st.FirstName, _
 st.LastName, _
 Key .BonusHours = (From ts In st.TimeSheets _ //Or st.TimeSheet
                    Where ts.IsActive _
                    From tr In ts.TimeRecords _ //Or ts.TimeRecord
                    Where tr.IsValid
                    Select tr.BonusHour).Sum() _

In cases where you have unique on a column you should use .Single instead of a from. Which unique´s do you have on the columns? Is it unique in TimeSheet?

If you set up associations with foreign keys LINQ to SQL can make this a lot easier.

Addition based on your updated code (I don't think this is actually valid code):

Dim query = From st In db.Student
            Let pair = From ts In st.TimeSheets
                       Join tr In db.TimeRecord On tr.TimeSheetId Equals ts.TimeSheetId _
                       Where ts.IsActive = True And tr.IsValid = True _
                       Group By key = New With {
                           tr.CreationTime.Month,year/month - not sure how the syntax will be
                           tr.CreationTime.Year} Into BonusHr = Sum(tr.BonusHour)}
            From part In pair.BonusHr
            Select New With {
                .stName = st.FirstName & " " & st.LastName, _
                .BonusHours = part.BonusHours, _
                .YearMonth = key.Month + " " + key.Year _
Just change a minor flaw (from `TimeRecordId` to `TimeSheetId`)
TimeSheet has TimeSheetId as PK so, it's unique. StudentId, TimeRecordId are also unique.
Okay, but can there be multiple timesheets of the same student, is StudentId in TimeSheet unique? Did the code work? Also, see last sentence in my answer.
Plase see my update in the question. Yes, Tables has relationship. I count only the BonousHour that is valid, and has Active TimeSheet.
Try my code now - again, I'm not 100% sure its valid code
@ lasseespeholt pls see update one in the question. We're almost there.
Please tell me which code you are currently using so I can clean my answer up a little bit before extending it further :)
I am using Code in update one right now.
Okay, you can use `Group by key = New With { tr.CreationTime.Month, tr.CreationTime.Year } into ...` this will group it by month
So, How I can select MonthYear, what I really need from the query are Name, TotalBonusHour, MonthYear. In your updated code, you select only Name and BonusHour as a result. No, MonthYear.
See it now. There is a little work to do for you ;)
I tried your code , it's looping. Any idea? It's like for every part in pair select all students. So, first loop select all, second loop select all students ..etc...
Update the code you are using now. It can't be mine 100%
Maybe you should close this question and leave it as it was before you added month/year and then create a new question with the last working code and what you want beyond that. You could get some fresh VB.Net perspectives.
I give it a few more try. If I can make it I post the answer too. Thanks for the help. :D
You're welcome :)
@lasseespeholt see my anwser. I figured it out.
Good :) Sry, I couldn't help you more than that - but it can be difficult when you don't have test data to test on - and lack of VB.Net knowledge.

I know you want VB.NET code, but I don't have much exp in VB.NET so here is C# code. You can convert it using converters.

Prerequisite: You have set up Entity Framework and associates as necessary.

    var q = db.Students

  Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1}: {2} bonus hours",i.FirstName, i.LastName, i.Sum(ii => ii.BonusHour))

Edit: Fix typing error


Here's the working query:

Dim query = From ts In db.TimeSheets_
            Join tr In db.TimeRecords On tr.TimeSheetId Equals ts.TimeSheetId _
     Where ts.IsActive = True And tr.IsValid = True _
     Group By key = New With {ts.Student, .MonthYear = (tr.TimeOut.Value.Month & "/" & tr.TimeOut.Value.Year)} Into TotalHour = Sum(BonusHour) _
                     Select key.Student.StudentId, key.Student.AssignedId, key.MonthYear, TotalHour