




I was wondering if I allowed my users to pick which categories their post will be displayed in and they can pick multiple categories from one to many.

  • How would I store the categories id value or values in the database?
  • Should I group each value together for example, 45,12,45,78 or should I store one value at a time?
  • And how would my table structure look like?
  • Or should I add it to an existing table?

The structure you are describing is really a many-to-many relationship (used in all tag-structures and alike).

Entries Table
| id | title | text |

Entries-to-Tags Table
| entry_id | tag_id |

Tags Table
| id | tag |

A typical SQL call to check on ALL entries from a tag would be

FROM tags_table as tg
LEFT JOIN entries_to_tags AS entg ON tg.id = entg.tag_id
LEFT JOIN entries AS en ON entg.entry_id = en.id
WHERE tg.tag = 'my tag'

A typical SQL call to check on tags from an entry would be

FROM entries AS en
LEFT JOIN entries_to_tags AS entg ON en.id = entg.entry_id 
LEFT JOIN tags_table AS tg ON entg.tag_id = tg.id
WHERE en.title = 'my article title'
The `id` field in the `Entries-to-Tags` table is unnecessary. Make `entry_id` and `tag_id` the (compound) primary key for that table.
@Jeff Mattfield, true! I've set it up on my own scheme for future revision control. Changed for simplicity. Thks!

The best way to design database tables is to separate them in smallest pieces possible. In this case, I will design it with 3 tables: Post, Category, and PostCategory. Post will be the table for each post created by the user. Category should probably be a lookup table. PostCategory is the table to store each post's categories.

  • Post is one to many PostCategory
  • Category is one to many PostCategory
  • PostCategory has PostId and CategoryId primary ids