



I have the following example:

using (MyContext context = new MyContext())
    var query = from entityA in context.EntityA.Include("TestProperty")
                join entityB in context.EntityB on entityA.Id equals entityB.EntityAId
                join entityC in context.EntityC on entityB.Id equals entityC.EntityBId
                where entityC.Id == id
                select entityA;

    List<EntityA> toReturn = query.ToList();

    return toReturn;

My joins are all working as expected, however, my 'TestProperty' navigation property is not loaded properly. I look, during runtime, and it is null.

When I do the following:

context.LoadProperty(toReturn, "TestProperty");

It loads the 'TestProperty' property correctly. Is there something I am doing incorrectly in my LINQ-to-SQL statement?

UPDATE: I changed the first line to be:

from entityA in context.EntityA.Include("TestProperty").ToList()

And left the rest of the lines below that the same and it loaded my property correctly. Is this the proper solution to the problem?