



hey guys, I've followed some tutorials online regarding creating and installing a windows service and seem to keep getting into a bind. I followed the tutorial here and it while it seems to be working, its not 100%. This is the code im using:

namespace SuperService
partial class Logger : ServiceBase
    public Logger()

    void timer1_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e )
        LogEvent( "This Timer has been ticked!", EventLogEntryType.Information );

    protected override void OnStart( string[] args )
        timer1.Tick += new EventHandler( timer1_Tick );
        LogEvent( "This SuperService has started!", EventLogEntryType.Information );

    protected override void OnStop()
        LogEvent( "This SuperService has stopped.", EventLogEntryType.Information );

    protected override void OnPause()

    protected override void OnContinue()

    static void LogEvent( String Message, EventLogEntryType type )
        String source = "Logger";
        String log = "Application";
        if (!EventLog.SourceExists( source ))
            EventLog.CreateEventSource( source, log );

        EventLog eLog = new EventLog();
        eLog.Source = source;

        eLog.WriteEntry( Message, type );

Now when I check the Event Viewer after starting the service it shows the following two events:

This SuperService has started!

Service started successfully.

So it seems to be working somewhat, what I dont see is the event triggered by timer1_Tick. Does anyone know why or can point me in the right direction pls? Thanks in advance.


You aren't showing the code that creates the timer object. What have you set the timer interval to?

i followed the tutorial posted. I dragged and dropped a timer in the design view from the toolbox, under the components tab. interval is 60000
Joseph Stein
+1  A: 

As an aside, windows services are much easier with topshelf. Open source project that allows you to write your service as a console app/POCOs, but pick up install/uninstall/debug support from a "service container" that abstracts away all the glue.

myservice                                  (to run as console app for debugging)
myservice /install
myservice /uninstall
myservice /instance:{instance_name}
+1  A: 

Do you use System.Threading.Timer instead of the System.Windows.Forms.Timer ? The link of the tutorial you use have comments of user having the same issue and switching to System.Threading.Timer with success

for more information (taken from your link) :

la mouette
you were right as I suspected. I changed up the code and it works now. thanks!
Joseph Stein

Edit: Here is a SO answer covering the very thing I write about below.

Windows Service Stops Automatically

I believe Windows will stop a service if it "thinks" the service has nothing to do. I can't remember the exact underlying "API" that does this. I fought with it a few years back.

Is there something in your event log with the wording of: "Nothing for myservice to do. Terminating." Or some such message that conveys that verbiage?

nope. just the two I mentioned in my post
Joseph Stein