I have a "Save" button on a FormView with the CommandName="Update" set. This button updates an EntityDataSource that is bound to the FormView.
After the EDS is updated, I want to close this (child, popup) window and refresh my parent window (so it will reflect the changes just made to the data).
For reference, I have a similar "Cancel" button on this page that simply calls a Javascript function "OnClientClick":
function done() {
if (window.opener.closed) {
} else {
window.opener.location.href = opener.location;
Now, how can I let the FormView and EDS do its thing (process the Update command) and then call this javascript function (or code to accomplish the equivalent)???
After doing some more digging, I solved it. The problem had to do with the FormView being inside an Update Panel. I had to use the following:
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.UpdatePanel1, typeof(string), "done", "done();", true);