



Sorry I don't have a direct question. I don't have much in the way of a support group, and I guess. If this is the complete wrong place, I apologize. Profusely. :)

I'm a former English Literature student who's making the change to CS next year and I'm getting nervous about it. What can I do to prepare myself for next year? Am I making a mistake? Questions only I can answer, I know. But perhaps those older and wiser than me here have something to say...


Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Learn your theory.

But don't forget to learn to code too. That seems to be the mistake myself and most of my friends have made. We're all smart people, we all get good exam marks, and we all almost to a (wo)man cannot code to save our lives (basically). Universities, or at least mine, concentrate so much on the theory that they neglect the actual coding part of computing far too much. Even coursework so far has mostly just been about using pre-written APIs to explore theory concepts.

Oh, yeah, and this is so the wrong place to ask this. ;)

and the so the wrong place to ever answer
Gregory Pakosz
I had a feeling it was the wrong place, but I was feeling a little desperate. Thanks for linking the FAQ. Well at least now I can't get annoyed at people for not reading the rules...To answer people's questions anyway, since they were kind enough to respond:1) Hard to say if I love it or not yet. Haven't had much experience. But what I have done i really enjoy :)2) I'm starting this degree because the theory of computer science interests me, and I'd like to work in IT. I also enjoy the small amount of coding i've done so far.Thanks and sorry again people.
oh look I didn't even reply correctly. /leaves in shame.