


+7  Q: 

What is a hack?


When I think of "hack", I think of it as being a non-expected workaround to solve a problem, not necessarily a bad thing. Creative, innovative, and well-placed. "Hack" can apply to more than just computers, though I seldom hear it used that way.

thought about how Spolsky describes the 'duct tape programmer' ( which I think is the point you make. To me there is a difference between the two. One is expedient and clear (duct tape), the other is ill-conceived and unclear.
Kevin Won
+8  A: 

I've always preferred Paul Graham's definition:

To add to the confusion, the noun "hack" also has two senses. It can be either a compliment or an insult. It's called a hack when you do something in an ugly way. But when you do something so clever that you somehow beat the system, that's also called a hack. The word is used more often in the former than the latter sense, probably because ugly solutions are more common than brilliant ones.

Bad meaning good. It’s the 80’s again.
Paul D. Waite
source of quote plz?
Kevin Won
Most clever hacks are also ugly, simply because cleverness so often runs counter to comprehensibility.
Dan Bryant
@Kevin Won, click on the link in my answer for the source.
An ugly hack (which works) implemented a few days before deadline always looks beautiful to me.

This topic will turn into something like a question about Love. Everyone's gonna have their own definition. The best way to know the proper (default) definition is in the dictionary

Martin Ongtangco

It's when you've stepped out of the idiomatic, natural, sensible and (sometimes) supported ways of doing something in a given language/framework/etc.

Sometimes that's a stroke of genius, usually it's an act of idiocy, occasionally it's one disguised as the other, and on rare occasions it's both.

(Incidentally, the judge who coined that statement about pornography you quote later retracted in making another ruling).

Jon Hanna

From the Jargon File, the glossary of hacker slang:

The Meaning of ‘Hack’

“The word hack doesn't really have 69 different meanings”, according to MIT hacker Phil Agre. “In fact, hack has only one meaning, an extremely subtle and profound one which defies articulation. Which connotation is implied by a given use of the word depends in similarly profound ways on the context. Similar remarks apply to a couple of other hacker words, most notably random.”

Hacking might be characterized as ‘an appropriate application of ingenuity’. Whether the result is a quick-and-dirty patchwork job or a carefully crafted work of art, you have to admire the cleverness that went into it.

An important secondary meaning of hack is ‘a creative practical joke’. This kind of hack is easier to explain to non-hackers than the programming kind.

I think you are talking about another meaning of the term--i.e. hacking a game to give you more gold. I'm ashamed of some of my hacks that are the exact opposite of 'an appropriate application of ingenuity'--I did it just to get'r'done
Kevin Won
@Kevin: I'm quoting as official a source as possible. If this is not what you want to hear, that's because the question is subjective/argumentative.
I'm suggesting that this is applies to the other sense of the word--not that it's inaccurate.
Kevin Won

When I use the term 'hack' it usually refers to a solution to a problem that was done usually in response to a pressing issue, and so not a lot of thought went into it in regards to the overall design of the application. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not so much, and sometimes it turns out to be a work of genius. But mainly, it's an admitted temporary solution that (hopefully) gets refactored and refined when possible.

David Hoerster

Too often "hack" simply means: "Not the way I would do it."
